What Is A Dimmer Switch?
A dimmer is a device that is connected to a light fixture to reduce or lower the brightness of the light.
5 Benefits of A Dimmer Switch
- Saves energy:
This is an efficient way of reducing energy usage. If you are looking to reduce your power consumption, try using a dimmer to reduce the brightness of your lighting.
- Better Health:
Scientists have suggested that having dimming lights in the room or while sleeping has a positive effect on your sleeping cycles. This is because the light reduces in color temperature and causes a soothing effect.
- Makes the room look better:
Do you notice that nice restaurants and spaces make use of dimming lights? This is because it changes the atmosphere to look more serene and romantic.
- Easy Installation:
They are very easy to install and maintain. If you are not very handy with household fixtures, you can reach out to us at CLD electric to get it fixed in minutes.
- They are affordable:
There is a lot to gain for such a budget-friendly price. While some of the sophisticated dimmers may be pricey, they are worth the purchase.
3 Types Of Dimmer Switch
There are different types of Dimmer Switches, but we will discuss the three major ones and their uses. When deciding on the type of dimmer switch to purchase, consider the ones that work for your wiring setup over aesthetics.
- Single pole dimmer:
This type is cost-effective and can be used to control a light or group of lights you would like to dim. It is mainly used for dimming lights and nothing else.
- 3-way dimmer:
This type of dimmer has three functions. It has multiple light switches for light or groups of lights. It is the easiest option to purchase. One of the switches is to dim lights, another is to turn it off while the last one is to turn it on.
- Multiple location dimmer:
This type of dimmer helps you to dim all your light sources from different light switches. You must get a multiple location dimmer and get any of the others as a backup.
Why Your Dimmer Switch Is Too Hot?
It is normal for your dimmer switch to be warm as it stores heat. However, if it is too hot to touch for 7 seconds, then there is a need for concern. These are some reasons it may be too hot:
Overloaded switches: This happens when the internal heat exceeds the required heat it can accommodate.
Faulty wiring: Your dimmer switch may be too hot if there is an issue with the wiring. This may be because of the wrong installation or the age of the circuit.
If you notice that your dimmer switch is too hot to handle, check it out before it becomes dangerous. We will have a capable electrician come look at it for you.