So, what are the likely reasons why your circuit breakers unexpectedly trip off? Today’s article will shed more light on the answers to this question. But first, let’s look at circuit breakers and why everyone seems to make such a fuss about them.
What Are Circuit Breakers – And What Are They Used For?
Circuit breakers prevent your electronic appliances from getting damaged when an extremely high electric current load passes through their electric circuits. The typical circuit breaker is essentially an electrical switch that shuts off the flow of electrical current to your home’s electrical panels when it senses an abnormality in the amount of electricity passing through your circuit board.
Before now, fuse boxes were used to protect electric circuits from unexpected power surges. But the problem with using fuse boxes was that once they had blown out, you’d need to have them replaced. However, for circuit breakers, once they trip off, all you’d need to do is to reset them and they’re good as new (almost).
Common Reasons Why Your Circuit Breaker Trips Off
Overloaded Circuits
Overloaded circuits are the most common culprits to blame whenever your circuit breaker trips off. When a particular circuit board receives more electric current than it can handle normally, the circuit is said to be overloaded. This electricity overload will trigger your circuit breaker to trip off to prevent damage to your electrical appliances from excessive heat, unexpected sparks, and explosions from the high current passing through your circuits.
Short “Circuiting”
This is another common reason for your circuit breakers tripping off. Short-circuiting occurs when two loose wires that ideally should not be near each other accidentally initiate contact. What happens is a sudden upsurge of electricity in your circuits that leave your circuit breakers no other choice than to trip off.
After all, circuit breakers are designed to protect your circuit board from such unexpected fluctuations, and this scenario that occurs during short-circuiting certainly qualifies as an unexpected fluctuation.
Faulty Circuit Breakers
Since circuit breakers regulate the flow of electricity to your circuit boards, it can be problematic when they fail to work the way they ought to because they are defective. If you are sure that your electric circuits are not overloaded (and that they do not have any reason to short-circuit), yet you still notice that your circuit breakers keep tripping off, then the problem might be with your circuit breakers.
In such instances, the best course of action is to have them replaced as soon as you can.
Generally, if you notice any unusual smells coming from electrical casings, then you need to have a qualified electrician look at your home’s electrical system.
Looking for where to get such an electrician? You can reach out to us here.